1. Bilong Liu, Xin Li, “Noise transmission and absorption of lightweight structures: an overview and experience”, distinguished plenary lecture, ICSV26, Montreal. 8-11July 2019.
2. 刘碧龙,"结构声若干前沿问题与展望”, 香山科学会议“宁静中国与噪声治理关键技术”第S66次学术讨论会, 专题报告,2022年8月。
1.Sun Chengpu, Sang Jinqiu,Duanmu Zheng, Liu Bilong, Li Xiaodong,"Sensitivity Analysis for Dual-Membrane Capacitive MEMS Microphone",IEEE Sensors Journal,2024.01,10.1109/JSEN.2024.3417384.
2.An Fengyan,Zhao Peng,Li Xin,Wu Qianqian,Liu Bilong,"Active impedance control of a loudspeaker and its parallel combination with porous materials for broadband sound absorption",MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2024.01,10.1016/j.ymssp.2023.110909.
3. Wu Qianqian, Liu Zhihui, An Fengyan, Liu Bilong,"Self-tuning PID Feedback Control Method for Magnetic Suspension Active Vibration Isolation System with Parameters Uncertainty",2024.01,Journal of Vibration and Control,10.1177/10775463241228018.
5.周晓炳,康鲁迪,刘鹏,方庆川, 刘碧龙,"工业消声器侧壁传声的预测方法与拟合公式",声学与振动,2024.03.
6.Andrew T. Peplow,Liu Bilong,"Minimal Conditioned Stiffness Matrices with Frequency-Dependent Path Following for Arbitrary Elastic Layers over Half-Spaces",Foundations,2024.05.
7.Wu Qianqian, Chen Yiran, Yuan Guokai, An Fengyan, Liu Bilong,"Study on the Accurate Magnetic Field Analytical Model of an Inertial Magnetic Levitation Actuator Considering End Effects"ACTUATORS,2024.10,10.3390/act13100385.
8.Liu Haosheng,Liu Bilong,An Fengyan,Andrew T. Peplow,"Experimental synthesis of random pressure fields based on transfermatrix analysis on 1D arrays",Journal of Sound and Vibration,2024.11.
1. Cao Zhigang, Li Xin,Liu Bilong,"Broadband sound absorption of a hybrid absorber with shunt loudspeaker and perforated plates",Applied Acoustics,2023,10.1016/j.apacoust.2022.109185.
2.Zhang Xilong,Liu Bilong, Li Min,"Heat transfer and flow resistance performance of nonuniform distributed serrated fins",NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART A-APPLICATIONS,2023,10.1080/10407782.2023.2176384.
3.Li Xin,Cao Zhigang, Xu Lijun, Liu Bilong,"Sound Absorption of the Absorber Composed of a Shunt Loudspeaker and Porous Materials in Tandem",Polymers,2023,10.3390/polym15143051.
4.Wei Dapeng, Liu Bilong,Kang Ludi,"Numerical Investigation of Distributed Speed Feedback Control of Turbulent Boundary Layer Excitation Curved Plates Radiation Noise",Acoustics,2023,10.3390/acoustics5020024.
1.Ludi Kang, Bilong Liu, and Fengyan An,"Beam element resonance-based prediction and parametric analysis of sound transmission of laminated plates", Applied Acoustics, 2022, accepted.
2.Ludi Kang , Chengpu Sun, Haosheng Liu and Bilong Liu, "Determination of Frequency-Dependent Shear Modulus of Viscoelastic Layer via a Constrained Sandwich Beam", Polymers, 2022, 14, 3751. https:// doi.org/10.3390/polym14183751.
3.Ludi Kang, Bilong Liu, and Fengyan An “Mechanical and vibro-acoustic performance of sandwich panel with perforated honeycomb cores”, the journal of the acoustical society of America. Vol.152, Issue 3, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0013997.
4.Ludi Kang, Chengpu Sun, Fengyan An, Bilong Liu. “A bending stiffness criterion for sandwich panels with high sound insulation and its realization through low specific modulus layers”. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2022: 117149.
5.赵艳菊, 宋士轲1, 陈大伟, 康鲁迪, 刘碧龙, “一种计算非对称夹芯板隔声量的解析方法及影响因素”, 声学学报, 2022年01期 v.47 114-125页.
6.Hongbo Zhang, Bilong Liu, Jiang Liu, and Xu Han, "Topological waveguide states with adjustable width in elastic heterostructures with periodic semi-circular holes", Results in Physics 35(3):105416, 2022, DOI:10.1016/j.rinp.2022.105416.
7.Fengyan An and Bilong Liu," Narrowband Active Noise Control Using Decimated Controller for Disturbance with Close Frequencies" Symmetry, 14(3),607, 2022, https://doi.org/10.3390/sym14030607.
8. Zhang, Hongbo;Zhang, Shaobo;Liu, Jiang;Liu, Bilong;”Synthetic Weyl Points of the Shear Horizontal Guided Waves in One-Dimensional Phononic Crystal Plates“APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,10.3390/app12010167, 2022.
9. Li, Xin;Liu, Bilong;Wu, Qianqian;”Enhanced Low-Frequency Sound Absorption of a Porous Layer Mosaicked with Perforated Resonator "POLYMERS,10.3390/polym14020223, 2022.
10. An, Fengyan;Liu, Bilong;”Cascade biquad controller design for feedforward active noise control headphones considering incident noise from multiple directions“APPLIED ACOUSTICS,10.1016/j.apacoust.2021.108430., 2022.
11. An, Fengyan; Wu, Qianqian ; Liu, Bilong;”Feedback Controller Optimization for Active Noise Control Headphones Considering Frequency Response Mismatch between Microphone and Human Ear“,APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,10.3390/app12030977,2022.
12. Fengyan An, Hao Li, Xilong Zhang, Chengpu Sun and Bilong Liu, "Experimental Research on Reducing Flow-Induced Cavity Resonance with a Narrowband Active Noise Control System", APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,DOI10.3390/app12147044, 2022.
1.Fengyan An,YinCao,Bilong Liu,Optimized decentralized filtered-x least mean square algorithm for over-determined systems with periodic disturbances, Journal of sound and vibration, Volume 491, 20 January 2021, 115763.
2.Tong Zhang, Ludi Kang, Xin LI, Hongbo Zhang, Bilong Liu, Sound Transmission Prediction of Sandwich Plates with Honeycomb and Foam Cores and an Emphatic Discussion on Radiation Terms, The International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 70-79,2021.
3.Jianze Liu,Jiang Liu,Xilong Zhang,Bilong Liu,Transmission and energy-harvesting study for a novel active suspension with simplified 2-DOF multi-link mechanism, June 2021Mechanism and Machine Theory 160(007):104286.
4.Xiaofeng Wang, Honbo Zhao and Bilong Liu ,"A note on the sound transmission of a spherical sound wave through a double plate structure", JASA Express Letter 1, 045601 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0004223.
5.Zhihao Li, Qianqian Wu,Bilong Liu, and Zhaopei Gong, "Optimal Design of Magneto-Force-Thermal Parameters for Electromagnetic Actuators with Halbach Array", September 2021,Actuators 10(9):231, DOI: 10.3390/act10090231.
6.Zihao Li, Xin Li and Bilong Liu, "Optimization of Shunted Loudspeaker for Sound Absorption by Fully Exhaustive and Backtracking Algorithm", June 2021,Applied Sciences 11(12):5574.
7.Xin Li, Bilong Liu and Chong Qin,"A Perforated Plate with Stepwise Apertures for Low Frequency Sound Absorption", July 2021, Applied Sciences 11(13):6180.
8.Xin Li, Daoqing Chang and Bilong Liu ," An acoustic impedance structure consisting of perforated panel resonator and porous material for low-to-mid frequency sound absorption ", Vol.180, September 2021, Applied Acoustics 108069. DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2021.108069.
9.李志豪, 武倩倩, 刘碧龙. 动磁式作动器电-磁-热-流耦合数值模拟[J]. 低温与超导, 2021, 49(07): 21-26+37. DOI:10.16711/j.1001-7100.2021.07.004.
- 2020年
1. Bing Zhou , Jiangong Zhang , Xin Li,Bilong Liu.An Investigation on the Sound Absorption Performance of Granular Molecular Sieves under Room Temperature and Pressure.Materials,2020, 13(8), 1936.
2. Dengke Li, Daoqing Chang, and Bilong Liu,"Diffuse Sound Absorptive Properties of Parallel-Arranged Perforated Plates with Extended Tubes and Porous Materials", Materials 13(5):1091, March 2020.
3. Xilong Zhang,Bilong Liu,Jiang Liu,Xingang Wang,Hongbo Zhang. Experimental and numerical analysis of heat transfer and flow characteristics in parabolic ducts.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,Volume 147, February 2020, 118912
4. Fengyan An, Yin Cao, Ming Wu, Hongling Sun, Bilong Liu, Jun Yang. “Robust Wiener controller design acoustics feedback for active noise control systems”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145(4): EL291-296, 2019.
5. Chengpu Sun, Fengyan An, Bilong Liu,Sibing Wu. The prediction of nonlinear resistance and distortion for a miniature loudspeaker with vented cavities.The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,146, 4315 ,2019.
6. Qianqian Wu , Ning Cui , Sifang Zhao , Hongbo Zhang,Bilong Liu. Modeling and Control of a Six Degrees of Freedom
Maglev Vibration Isolation System.SENSORS. 19,16,3608,10.3390/s19163608,2019.
7. Hongbo Zhang, Bilong Liu,Xilong Zhang, Qianqian Wu,XingangWang. Zone folding induced tunable topological interface states in one-dimensional phononic crystal plates.Physics Letters A,Volume 383, Issue 23, 2019,2797-2801.
8. Qianqian Wu , Bilong Liu 1,Ning Cui ,Sifang Zhao. Tracking Control of a Maglev Vibration Isolation System Based on a High-Precision Relative Position and Attitude Model.SENSORS.19,15,3375,10.3390/s19153375,2019.
9. Q Wu, N Cui, S Zhao, H Zhang, B Liu. Modeling and Control of a Six Degrees of Freedom Maglev Vibration Isolation System,Sensors 2019, 19(16), 3608;https://www_mdpi.xilesou.top/1424-8220/19/16/3608
10. Xin Li, Qianqian Wu, Ludi Kang ,Bilong Liu. Design of Multiple Parallel-Arranged Perforated Panel Absorbers for Low Frequency Sound Absorption.MATERIALS ,12 ,13,2099 ,10.3390/ma12132099,2019.
11. Shanwen Du,Fengyan An,Bilong Liu. On the sound transmission loss of finite plates with constrained viscoelastic layer.Applied Acoustics,Volume 149, Pages 32-38,2019.
12. Hongbo Zhang and Bilong Liu, Enhancement of acoustic absorption of a rigidly backed poroelastic plate with periodic elliptic inclusions,International Journal of Modern Physics B,Vol. 33, No. 30, 1950367 (2019)
13. 武倩倩,崔宁,刘碧龙,岳洪浩,刘荣强.多维磁悬浮隔振系统动力学模型与控制策略,航空学报,2019,40(6),22522.
14. Fengyan An, Yin Cao, and Bilong Liu. Optimized Decentralized Adaptive Control of Noise and Vibration for Periodic Disturbances[J]. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2018, 144(4): EL275-EL28
15. Anders Nilsson and Bilong Liu,“Prediction of some vibro-acoustic properties of sandwich plates with honeycomb and foam cores”,The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,144(3),1600-1614, Sep.2018, 4.
16. D.Chang, F.Lu, W.Jin,B.Liu,“Low-frequency sound absorptive properties of double-layer perforated plate under grazing flow”, Applied Acoustics, 130: 115–123,2018.
17. D. Chang and B.Liu,“The modal coupling effect on the noise radiation of beams under different excitations”, NOISE CONTROL ENG J. 2017,65 (4) :336-344 .
18. D.Li, D, Chang,B.Liu,“Enhanced low- to mid-frequency sound absorption using parallel arranged perforated plates with extended tubes and porous material” Applied Acoustics, 127: 316–323,2017.
19. B.Liu,Y. Jiang, D. Chang, “Sound transmission of a spherical sound wave through a finite plate”, J SOUND VIB. 410: 209-216,2017.
20. D. Li, D. Chang, B. Liu,“Enhancing the low frequency sound absorption of a perforated panel by parallel-arranged extended tubes”, Applied Acoustics 102(15): 126-132, 2016.
21. Y. Kou,B. Liu, D. Chang. “Radiation efficiency of damped plates under turbulent boundary layer excitation”, J. ACOUST SOC AM. 139(5): 2766-2771, 2016.
22. Z. Jin, Y. Yin,B. Liu. “Equivalent modulus method for finite element simulation of the sound absorption of anechoic coating backed with orthogonally rib-stiffened plate”, J SOUND VIB. 366: 357-371, 2016.
23. F.X.Fu;Z.Jin; Y.Yin,B.Liu,Sound absorption of a rib-stiffened plate covered by anechoic coatings,J.ACOUST SOC AM.,2015,137(3):1551-1557.
24. Y. Kou,B. Liu,J. Tian,Radiation efficiency of damped plates,J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 2015,137(1):1032-1035
25. B. Liu , Z.Qian, H.Zhang, D.Chang, Q.Yan and W.Huang, Wind-tunnel test of stiffener influence on the plate vibration and radiated noise excited by turbulent boundary layers, Applied Acoustics. Vol. 80, 28–35, 2014.
26. Z. Qian, D. Chang, B.Liu and K. Liu, Prediction of sound transmission loss for finite sandwich panels based on a test procedure on beam elements, J VIB ACOUST. Vol.135(6), 061005 (Jun 19, 2013), 9pages.
27. B.Liu, L.Feng, A.C.Nilsson, and M.Aversano, Predicted and measured plate velocities induced by turbulent boundary layers, J SOUND VIB. Vol.331, 5309 –5325, 2012.
28. D.Chang, B.Liu, and X. Li, An electromechanical low frequency panel sound absorber, J ACOUST SOC AM.128(2), 639- 645,2010.
29. B.Liu, “Noise radiation of aircraft panels subjected to boundary layer pressure fluctuations”, J SOUND VIB. Vol.314, 693 –711, 2008.
30. D.Chang, B.Liu, and X.Li,“Sound absorption characteristics of a thin plate with PZT shunted with passive electrical circuit I. Theoretical analysis”,ACTA ACUSTICA,Vol. 33, 131 - 137, 2008.
31. D.Q.Chang, B.Liu, and X.Li,“Sound absorption characteristics of a thin plate with PZT shunted with passive electrical circuit II. Theoretical analysis”,ACTA ACUSTICA,Vol.33,138-144, 2008.
32. B.Liu, L. Feng, and A.C. Nilsson, “Sound transmission through curved aircraft panels with stringer and ring frame attachments”. J SOUND VIB. Vol. 300, 949-973, 2007
33. B.Liu, L. Feng, and A.C. Nilsson, “Influence of overpressure on sound transmission through curved aircraft panels”. J SOUND VIB. Vol. 302, 760 -776, 2007.
34. B.Liu, M.Hodkiewicz, and Jie Pan “A study of vibro-acoustic coupling between a pump and attached water-filled pipes”. J ACOUST SOC AM. Vol. 121(2), 897-912, 2007.
35.刘碧龙,常道庆,王晓林,柳阳威,陈任之, 飞机座舱声学控制方法报告,科技资讯,2016.9
36.刘碧龙,常道庆, 湍流边界层引起的结构响应和噪声辐射研究,科技资讯,2016.12
37.尹餆、 刘碧龙等,“激光测振有限元反演优化方法测量黏弹材料动态力学参数”声学学报, Vol.38.(2), 131-138,2013.
38.尹餆、刘碧龙等,“张河湾蓄能电站厂房噪声与振动调查”噪声与振动控制, 2012 Vol.30.(S1), 157-160,2012.
39.张浩,刘碧龙等,“吸声覆盖层研究进展”,应用声学,Vol. 32(4), 295-304, 2013.
40.刘碧龙,“大型客机壁板噪声传递特性研究”,噪声与振动控制, Vol. 32. (S1), 408-411,2012.
41.张浩,刘碧龙等,“离心泵流噪声实验研究”,噪声与振动控制, Vol. 31. (1), 119-122,2013.
42.张浩,刘碧龙等,“置于声源两测的旁通管道噪声自抵消研究”,振动与冲击, Vol.33, 109-114, 2013.
43.张浩; 刘碧龙; 苏正涛, 双层结构敷设声学覆盖层的吸声特性研究, 振动与冲击, Vol.34, 31-36, 2015.
44.钱中昌; 刘碧龙; 刘克, 梁模型三明治板的隔声预报, 噪声与振动控制, Vol. 38, 12-15,2014
46.白国锋、刘碧龙等,“多重散射方法研究轴对称空腔覆盖层的声学特性”,声学学报 Vol.37.(3), 263- 269,2012.
47白国锋、刘碧龙等,“黏弹性吸声材料复弹性模量优化研究”,声学学报Vol.35.(2), 107- 112,2010.
48.沈苏、刘碧龙等,“简支矩形板模态辐射抗的一种快速计算方法分析”,声学学报 Vol.35.(2), 126- 133, 2010
49.沈苏、刘碧龙等,“微穿孔板结构在管道声源特性测量中的应用分析”,声学学报 Vol.36.(3), 281- 290,2011.
50.周城光、刘碧龙等,“充水阻抗管中测量材料声学性能的校准方法研究”,声学学报 Vol.35.(2), 154- 161,2010.
51.周城光、刘碧龙等,“腔壁弹性对充水亥姆霍兹共振器声学特性的影响:圆柱形腔等效集中参数模型” 声学学报 Vol.32.(5), 426-434,2007.
52.常道庆、刘碧龙等,“智能吸声控制中压电片位置的选取” 声学技术 Vol.26(5),978-979,2007.
53刘碧龙等,“具有弹性障板的有限长充液管道的管口声辐射” 声学学报 Vol.29.(2), 131-136,2004.
54.刘碧龙等, “一端带弹性板的有限长充液管的声辐射”, 声学技术, vol.20(增刊)(2001), p.260-262。
55 刘碧龙等,“噪声性耳聋发病率的一种推算方法”,劳动保护科学技术 Vol.1, 154- 161,1997.
1.X.Wang,B.Liu, and J,Yang, “Adaptive active broadband absorption pipeline system design”, 8th international congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP), 1525-1529, 2015.
2. D. Li, D. Chang, B. Liu, A perforated panel sound absorber for low frequencies, ICSV22, Italy 2015.
3.Y. Kou, B. Liu, J. Tian, Radiation efficiency of damped plates under turbulent boundary layer excitation, ICSV 22, July, 2015, Florence, Italy.
4. Y. Kou, B. Liu, and J.Tian, “ Effect of damping patch on sound transmission of plate”, The 21th international congress on sound and vibration, Beijing, July, 2014.
5.D. Li, D. Chang, B. Liu, Improving the sound absorption bandwidth of micro-perforated plate by adding porous sound absorbing materials. Internoise 2014 in Australia
6. X Tian, W. Huang, K. Zhu, B Liu,“Influence of inserted micro perforated membrane on sound absorption performance of sound insulation layer”, The 20th international congress on sound and vibration, Bangkok, Thailand, July, 2013.
7.A Nilsson, B Liu, L Feng, “Prediction of interior noise in aircraft” The 20th international congress on sound and vibration, Bangkok, Thailand, July, 2013.
8.D. Chang, B. Liu, “The sound absorption of a thin plate with shunted piezoelectric material under diffuse sound field” The 20th international congress on sound and vibration, Bangkok, Thailand, July, 2013.
9. B.Liu ,“Near-field effect as sound transmission through a panel-cavity system”, J ACOUST SOC AM. 131(4),3389, 2012.
10. H Zhang, T Feng, C Zhou, B Liu, K Liu, “On the characterization of acoustic two-port sources using multi-load method” ,J ACOUST SOC AM. 131(4),3328, 2012.
11.Z Qian, D Chang, B Liu, “Sound transmission through a double panel structure jointed with rubber isolators” ,J ACOUST SOC AM. 131(4),3390, 2012.
12.G Bai, B Liu, K Liu, F Sui, “Elastic wave scattering by periodic axisymmetric cavities in viscoelastic materials: theory and experiment” ,J ACOUST SOC AM. 131(4),3373, 2012.
13.D Chang, X Chen, Z Qian, B Liu, “Measurement of the noise radiation of the panels subjected to turbulent boundary layer pressures” ,J ACOUST SOC AM. 131(4),3390, 2012.
14.X Wang, B Liu, J Tian, “An investigation on passive-active absorption system in a water-filled impedance tube” ,J ACOUST SOC AM. 131(4),3436, 2012.
15.X Chen, D Chang, B Liu, “Dynamic response of a thin curved plate with PZT and shunted circuits” Inter-Noise 2012, Newyork, U.S.A.
16.D Chang, B Liu , “The effect of modal coupling on the noise radiation of beams”, Inter-Noise 2012, Newyork, U.S.A.
17. D Chang, B Liu, X Li, “Study on the sound absorption peak of the underwater flecible plate” The 17th international congress on sound and vibration, Cairo, Egypt, July, 2010.
18.A Nilsson, D Backstöm, B Liu -,“Some SEA Parameters for sandwich composite structures” The 17th international congress on sound and vibration, Cairo, Egypt, July, 2010.
19. B.Liu, “Comments on the noise transmission of aircraft panels subjected to acoustic and TBL excitations”, Inter-Noise 2008, Shanghai, China.
20. G Bai, K Liu, B Liu, “A study on the relation between mechanical parameter and acoustical performance of viscoelastic materials”, The Inter-Noise 2008, Shanghai, China.
21.D Chang, B Liu, X Li, J Tian, “A smart micro-perforated panel sound absorber”, Inter-Noise 2008, Shanghai, China.
22.Y Yin, L B.Liu, K Liu, “A measurement system of homogeneous polymer dynamic properties using laser-based FEM method”, Inter-noise 2008, Shanghai, China.
23.J Sang, D Chang, B Liu, X Jia “ An investigation on the noise radiation of Lenovo F21 F41 laptops”, Inter-Noise 2008, Shanghai, China.
24.B.Liu and Leping Feng,“Radiation efficiency of acoustic-excited plates with stringer attachments”,The 14th international congress on sound and vibration, Cairns, Australia, July, 2007.
25. D Chang, B Liu, X Li and J Tian,“Sound absorption of a vibrating plate with piezoelectric materials and passive electrical networks”,The 14th international congress on sound and vibration, Cairns, Australia, July, 2007.
26. B.Liu, “Sound transmission through aircraft panels subjected to boundary layer pressure fluctuations”, The 13th international congress on sound and vibration, Vienna, Austria, July, 2006.
27.G Zhang, B Liu, J Xiong, X Li “An investigation of the nonlinear acoustic characteristics of a perforated plate configuration under broad-band noise excitation”, Inter-noise 2006, HAWAII, USA.
28. B.Liu, “]Influence of pressurization on sound insulation of curved airplane panels”, The 12th international congress on sound and vibration, Lisbon, Portugal, July, 2005.
29. L.Feng and B.Liu, “On low Frequency sound insulation of lightweight structures”, The 11th international congress on sound and vibration, St-Petersburg, Russia, July, 2004.
30.B.Liu, “Influence of baffle size and curvature on sound radiated by vibrating panels”, The 11th international congress on sound and vibration, St-Petersburg, Russia, July, 2004.
31.B.Liu and L.Feng, “Sound transmission through a doubled walled cylindrical shell”, The 10th international congress on sound and vibration, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, July, 2003.
1. 赵越喆,…,刘碧龙等,GB/T 15186-2-2015 《声学 建筑和建筑构件隔声声强法测量 第2部分:现场测量》
2. 赵越喆,…,刘碧龙等, GB/T 15186-3-2015 《声学 建筑和建筑构件隔声声强法测量 第3部分:低频段的实验室测量》
3. 魏志勇,…,刘碧龙等,GB50087-2013《工业企业噪声控制设计规范》
4. 李晓东,…,刘碧龙等,GB/T 14366.3-2017 《声学 噪声性听力损失的评估》
5. 郗昕,…,刘碧龙等,GB/T 16296.3-2017 《声学 测听方法,第3部分:言语测听》
6. 武文明,…,刘碧龙等,GB/T 16296.1-2018 《声学 测听方法,第1部分:纯音气导和骨导测听法》