[25] Guimian Liu, Lili Zhang, Jiahao Liu, Hongguan Li, Guangshui Tong, Penghao Duan, Hanjun Jiang, Xia Kong, 刘富豪*. Dynamics analysis for an improved gear model considering velocity-dependent mesh stiffness with tooth root crack. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2025;600:118872. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsv.2024.118872
[24] Hanjun Jiang, 刘富豪*, Jianqiang Zhang, Yueyao Xiao, Jiahao Liu, Zhiwen Xuan, Baogang Li, Xihao Yang & Xia Kong. Study on Mesh Stiffness and Dynamic Characteristics of Spur Gears with Body Crack, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 1–27. 2024. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15397734.2024.2318742
[23] Hanjun Jiang, 刘富豪*, Jianqiang Zhang, Yaobing Li, Wenqiang Han, Jiahao Liu, Guimian Liu, Xihao Yang, Xia Kong. Dynamics analysis of spur gears considering random surface roughness with improved gear body stiffness[J]. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 2024. 158: 104583
[22] Guimian Liu, 刘富豪*, Tao Ma, Hanjun Jiang, Chunguang Yang, Jielu Zhang. Dynamic analysis of spur gears system with dynamic force increment and velocity-dependent mesh stiffness[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023. 111(15): 13865-87.
[21] Hanjun Jiang*, 刘富豪. Dynamic modeling and analysis of elastic isolation damping gears[J]. Journal of Vibroengineering. 2022.
[20] Hanjun Jiang, 刘富豪*. Dynamic characteristics of helical gears incorporating the effects of coupled sliding friction[J]. Meccanica. 2022; 57(3): 523-539.
[19] 刘富豪*, Hongguang Li, Hanjun Jiang, Suyu Jiang. Influence of Two External Excitations for Brake Stick-slip Behavior using New Numerical Calculation Method, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020;15:101005;
[18] Hanjun Jiang*, Xiaojie Sun, 刘富豪. Measurement Method of Tooth Friction Force for Helical Gears by Laser Displacement Sensor, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2020; 42:338
[17] 刘富豪*, Liang Zhang, Hanjun Jiang, Jielu Zhang and Xuehua Yu, An Original Numerical Calculation Method for Impacting Contact Model of Spur Gear under Lightly Loaded Condition, Meccanica, 2020; 55(7): 1435-1451;
[16] 刘富豪*, Liang Zhang, Hanjun Jiang, Jielu zhang, Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Two External Excitations for the Gear System Using an Original Computational Algorithm, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2020, 144: 106823;
[15] Hanjun Jiang*, 刘富豪. Mesh Stiffness Modelling and Dynamic Simulation of Helical Gears with Tooth Crack Propagation, Meccanica, 2020, 54(11-12): 1889-1909;
[14] Hanjun Jiang*, 刘富豪. Analytical models of mesh stiffness for cracked spur gears considering gear body deflection and dynamic simulation, Meccanica, 2019, 54(11-12): 1889-1909;
[13] Shaona Liu*, 刘富豪. Vibration characteristics of spur gear system with non-linear damping under no lubrication condition(EI). Journal of Vibroengineering. 2019; 21(5): 1260-1270;
[12] 刘富豪*, Liang Zhang, Hanjun Jiang, Xuehua Yu, Simulation of vitro-impact gear model considering the lubricant influence with a new computational algorithm.(SCI). Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2018, 40(147);
[11] Hanjun Jiang*, 刘富豪. Dynamic modeling and analysis of spur gears considering friction-vibration interactions (SCI). Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2017, 39(12), 4911-4920;
[10] 刘富豪*, 张亮, 蒋汉军, 翁燕祥,陈俐. 基于速度协调法的齿轮刚性碰撞动力学分析 (EI). 振动工程学报. 2017, 30(3): 367-377;
[9] 刘富豪*, Liang Zhang, Xuehua Yu. Stability investigation of velocity-modulated gear system using a new computational algorithm (SCI). Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, 89(2), 1111-1128;
[8] 刘富豪*, Hanjun Jiang, Liang Zhang, Li Chen, Analysis vibration characteristic for helical gear under hydrodynamic conditions (SCI). Advance in Mechnical Engineering, 2017, 9(1),: 1-9;
[7] Hanjun Jiang*, 刘富豪. Dynamic features of three-dimensional helical gears under sliding friction with tooth breakage(SCI). Engineering Failure Analysis, 2016, (70): 305-322;
[6] 刘富豪*, Hanjun Jiang, Shaona Liu, Xuehua Yu. Dynamic Behavior Analysis of Spur Gears with Constant & Variable Excitation Parameters considering Sliding Friction Influence (SCI). Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2016, 30(12): 5363-5370;
[5] 刘富豪*. Dynamic Analysis of Drag Torque for Spur Gear Pairs Considering the Double-sided-films (SCI). Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2016, 231(12): 2253-2262;
[4] 刘富豪, S. Theodossiades*, M. D. McFarland, A. Vakakis and L. Bergman. Analytical Characterization of Damping in Gear Teeth Dynamics Under Hydrodynamic Conditions (SCI). Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2015, (94): 141-147;
[3] Tai, X. , H. Ma*, 刘富豪, Y. Liu and B. Wen. Stability and steady-state response analysis of a single rub-impact rotor system. Archive of Applied Mechanics 2015, 85(1): 133-148;
[2] 刘富豪*, 蒋汉军, 朱龙英, 汽车盘式制动器稳定性及非线性动力学分析(EI). 振动工程学报, 2014, 27(6): 907-914;
[1] 刘富豪, S. Theodossiades*, M. D. McFarland, A. Vakakis and L. Bergman. Tailoring Strongly Nonlinear Negative Stiffness (SCI). Journal of Mechanical Design, 2014, 136(2): 024501;