在本领域TOP期刊JPSE等以及Petroleum Science、Geofluids、OGST、机械工程学报、煤炭学报、石油学报等期刊发表高水平论文60余篇,代表性学术论文包括:
1. Liu Xinfu*, Liu Chunhua*, Hao Zhongxian, et al. Non-symmetric distributions of solids deposition for solid-water stratified flow in deviated tubing strings, Petroleum Science, 2023.(SCI)
2. Liu Xinfu*, Liu Chunhua*, Wu Jianjun. A modern approach to analyzing the flowing pressures of a two-phase CBM and water column in producing wellbores, Geofluids, 2019.(SCI)
3. Liu Xinfu*, Liu Chunhua*, Wu Jianjun. Dynamic characteristics of offshore natural gas hydrate dissociation by depressurization in marine sediments, Geofluids, 2019.(SCI)
4. Liu Xinfu*, Qi Yaoguang. A modern approach to the selection of sucker rod pumping systems in CBM wells, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2011.(SCI)
5. Liu Xinfu*, Liu Chunhua, Yang Yong. Dynamic behavior of the polished rod for the coalbed methane pumping installations, Oil & Gas Science and Technology-Revue d IFP Energies nouvelles, 2017.(SCI)
6. Liu Xinfu*. Prediction of flowing bottomhole pressures for two-phase CBM wells, Acta Geologica Sinica, 2013.(SCI)
7. Liu Xinfu, Liu Chunhua*, Liu Guoqiang, et al. An improved approach to analyzing the flowing pressures of CBM column in producing wellbores, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 2019.(SCI)
8. Liu Xinfu*. Development of prime mover loading on the sucker rod lift during coalbed methane production, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 2020.(SCI)
9. Liu Xinfu, Liu Chunhua*, Liu Guoqiang. Dynamic behavior of coalbed methane flow along the annulus of single-phase production, International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 2019. (SCI)
10. 刘新福*,刘春花,綦耀光等. 煤层气井排采系统有杆泵运行特性分析. 机械工程学报. 2017.(EI)
11. 刘新福*,刘春花,吴建军等. 煤储层排采液流携粉运移模型与产出规律. 煤炭学报. 2018.(EI)
12. 刘新福*,刘春花,周超等. 大斜度井段低沉没度工况排采泵阀动力学特性. 天然气工业. 2020.(EI)
13. 刘新福*,刘春花,李博等. 大斜度井段排采泵三层流场低速液流携砂运移特性. 煤炭学报. 2021.(EI)
14. 刘新福*,刘春花,何鸿铭等. 水平井低流速液流有杆泵泵阀运动特性. 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版). 2020.(EI)
15. 刘新福*,王春升,刘春花. 基于井液流动特性的抽油杆柱力学模型及应用. 机械工程学报. 2013.(EI)