[1]Hanjun Jiang, Yang Dai, Fuhao Liu, Baogang Li. Dynamic responses of the high-speed train with polygonal wheels considering gear transmissions, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2025,239(3): 686-702. (SCI)
[2]Guimian Liu, Lili Zhang, Jiahao Liu, Hongguan Li, Guangshui Tong, Penghao Duan, Hanjun Jiang, Xia Kong, Fuhao Liu. Dynamics analysis for an improved gear model considering velocity-dependent mesh stiffness with tooth root crack. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2025,600:118872. (SCI)
[3]Hanjun Jiang, Fuhao Liu, et al. Mesh stiffness modeling and dynamic simulation of spur gears with body crack under speed fluctuation condition, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 2024, 52(10): 8371-8397.(SCI)
[4]Hanjun Jiang, Fuhao Liu, et al. Dynamics analysis of spur gears considering random surface roughness with improved gear body stiffness. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 2024. 158: 104583. (SCI)
[5]Guimian Liu, Fuhao Liu, Tao Ma, Hanjun Jiang, Chunguang Yang, Jielu Zhang. Dynamic analysis of spur gears system with dynamic force increment and velocity-dependent mesh stiffness. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023. 111(15): 13865-87. (SCI)
[6]Hanjun Jiang, Fuhao Liu. Dynamic characteristics of helical gears incorporating the effects of coupled sliding friction, Meccanica. 2022, 57: 523-539.(SCI)
[7]Hanjun Jiang, Fuhao Liu. Dynamic modeling and analysis of elastic isolation damping gears,Journal of Vibroengineering, 2022, 24(4): 637-650. (EI)
[8]Hanjun Jiang, Fuhao Liu. Mesh stiffness modelling and dynamic simulation of helical gears with tooth crack propagation. Meccanica, 2020, 55, 1215-1236. (SCI, )
[9]Hanjun Jiang, Xiaojie Sun, Fuhao Liu. Measurement method of tooth friction force for helical gears by laser displacement sensor. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2020, 42:338 (SCI)
[10]Fuhao Liu, L Zhang , Hanjun Jiang, et al. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of two external excitations for the gear system using an original computational algorithm. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2020, 144:106823. (SCI)
[11]Zheng Cao, Zaigang Chen, Hanjun Jiang. Nonlinear dynamics of a spur gear pair with force-dependent mesh stiffness. Nonlinear Dynamic, 2020. 99, 1227-1241.(SCI)
[12]Fuhao Liu, Liang Zhang, Hanjun Jiang, Zhang, Jielu, Xuehua Yu, An original numerical calculation method for impacting contact model of spur gear under lightly loaded condition, Meccanica. 2020, 55(7): 1435-1451.(SCI)
[13]Fuhao Liu, Hongguang Li, Hanjun Jiang, Influence of Two External Excitations for Brake Stick-Slip Behavior Using New Numerical Calculation Method, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020,15(10):101005 (SCI)
[14]Hanjun Jiang, Fuhao Liu, Manlin Wang. Dynanic Simulation of Helical Gears with Crack Propagating In to Gear Body. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020, 440(2):022108 (EI)
[15]Hanjun Jiang, Fuhao Liu. Analytical models of mesh stiffness for cracked spur gears considering gear body deflection and dynamic simulation, Engineering Failure Analysis. Meccanica,2019, 54:1889–1909 (SCI)
[16]Fuhao Liu, Liang Zhang, Hanjun Jiang, Xuehua Yu, Simulation of vitro-impact gear model considering the lubricant influence with a new computational algorithm. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. 2018. 40:147.1-14. (SCI)
[17]Hanjun Jiang, Fuhao Liu. Dynamic modeling and analysis of spur gears considering friction-vibration interactions. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. 2017, 39(12), 4911-4920. (SCI )
[18]Fuhao Liu, Hanjun Jiang, Liang Zhang, Li Chen, Analysis vibration characteristic for helical gear under hydrodynamic conditions. Advance in Mechnical Engineering.2017.9(1):1-9. (SCI)
[19]刘富豪, 张亮, 蒋汉军, 翁燕祥,陈俐. 基于速度协调法的齿轮刚性碰撞动力学分析. 振动工程学报. 2017, 30(3): 367-377.(EI)
[20]Hanjun Jiang, Fuhao Liu. Dynamic features of three-dimensional helical gears under sliding friction with tooth breakage. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2016.70: 305-322. (SCI)
[21]Fuhao Liu, Hanjun Jiang, Shaona Liu, Xuehua Yu. Dynamic Behavior Analysis of Spur Gears with Constant & Variable Excitation Parameters considering Sliding Friction Influence. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2016, 30(12): 5363-5370. (SCI)
[22]Hanjun Jiang, Yimin Shao, Chris K. Mechefske, Xiaohui Chen. The influence of mesh misalignment on the dynamic characteristics of helical gears including sliding friction. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2015.29(11): 4563~4573. (SCI, )
[23]Hanjun Jiang. Analysis of time-varying friction excitations in helical gears with refined general formulation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2015.229(13):2467-2483. (SCI)
[24]Hanjun Jiang, Yimin Shao, Chris K. Mechefske. Dynamic characteristics of helical gears under sliding friction with spalling defect. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2014.39:92–107. (SCI)
[25]Hanjun Jiang, Yimin Shao. Dynamic analysis of a multi-mesh gear system with mesh stiffness variation, ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 4-7, 2013, Portland, OR, USA. (EI)
[26]王光建,蒋汉军,褚志刚. 新型双曲柄式可调侧隙精密行星传动装置参数设与仿真.机械工程学报,2011,47(5):11-18. (EI)
[27]王光建,蒋汉军,褚志刚.渐开线少齿差内啮合副几何设计研究.农业机械学报,2011,42(4),201-205. (EI)
[28]刘富豪,蒋汉军,朱龙英. 汽车盘式制动器稳定性及非线性动力学分析.振动工程学报,2014,27(6):907-914.(EI)
[29]蒋汉军,王光建,褚志刚. 变齿厚渐开线齿轮副啮合效率研究.机械传动,2011,35(6),10-14.
[30]王双不,蒋汉军,邵毅敏. 斜齿轮齿面剥落故障动力学建模与动态特征研究.机械传动,2014,38(10):26-30.
[31]王光建,蒋汉军. 新型双曲柄变齿厚渐开线行星减速器的研制及试验.机械设计, 2011,28(5),62-65.