1、Mingjie Li, Shouqing Lu*, Chengmin Wei, et al. Study on energy instability mechanism of composite coal seam based on the coupling effect of damage and unsteady diffusion [J]. Fuel, 2025,379:133051. (TOP期刊,SCI检索,中科院一区,IF=6.7 )
2、Shouqing Lu, Jiang Shi, Lei Jiao, et al. A review of coal permeability models including the internal swelling coefficient of matrix [J]. International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 2024, 11: 50.(SCI检索,中科院一区,IF=6.9 )
3、Shouqing Lu, Taibiao Bei, Yankun Ma*, et al. Strength characteristics and instability mechanism of combination of intact coal and tectonic coal containing gas considering the dip angle of interface [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2024, 57: 1395-1415. (SCI检索,中科院二区,IF=6.2)
4、Shouqing Lu, Mingjie Li*, Zhanyou Sa, et al. Discrimination of gas diffusion state in intact coal and tectonic coal: Model and experiment [J]. Fuel, 2022,325:124916. (TOP期刊,SCI检索,中科院一区,IF=8.035)
5、Shouqing Lu, Mingjie Li, Yankun Ma*, et al. Permeability changes in mining-damaged coal:A review of mathematical models [J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2022, 106: 104739. (SCI检索,中科院二区,IF= 5.285)
6、Chengfeng Wang, Shouqing Lu*, Mingjie Li, et al. Study on the dust removal and temperature reduction coupling performances of magnetized water spray [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29(4): 6151-6165. (SCI检索,中科院三区,IF=5.19)
7、Mingjie Li, Shouqing Lu*, Chengfeng Wang, et al. Effect of fragmentation on pore structures and fractal characteristics of intact coal and deformed coal based on experiments [J]. Geofluids, 2022, 2022: 8771617. (SCI检索,中科院四区,IF= 2.006)
8、Shouqing Lu*, Chengfeng Wang, Mingjie Li, et al. Gas time-dependent diffusion in pores of deformed coal particles: Model development and analysis [J]. Fuel, 2021,295:120566. (TOP期刊,SCI检索,中科院一区,IF=6.609)
9、Shouqing Lu, Chengfeng Wang*, Wei Wang, et al. Analysis on the Shape and Impact Pressure of the High-Pressure Water Jet during the Hydraulic Flushing Cavity Technique [J]. Geofluids, 2021, 2021:7496540. (SCI检索,中科院四区,IF= 2.176)
10、Shouqing Lu, Chengfeng Wang, Qingquan Liu*, et al. Numerical assessment of the energy instability of gas outburst of deformed and normal coal combinations during mining[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2019,132:351-366. (SCI检索,中科院二区,IF=4.384)
11、Shouqing Lu, Yongliang Zhang*, Zhanyou Sa, et al. Damage-induced permeability model of coal and its application to gas pre-drainage in combination of soft coal and hard coal[J]. Energy Science and Engineering, 2019, 7(4):1352-1367.( ESI高被引,SCI检索,中科院四区,IF=2.893)
12、Shouqing Lu, Yongliang Zhang*, Zhanyou Sa, et al. Evaluation of the effect of adsorbed gas and free gas on mechanical properties of coal[J]. Environmental Earth Science, 2019, 78(6):218. (ESI高被引,SCI检索,中科院三区,IF=1.871)
13、Shouqing Lu, Lei Li, Yuanping Cheng*, et al. Mechanical failure mechanisms and forms of normal and deformed coal combination containing gas: Model development and analysis[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2017, 80: 241-252. (SCI检索,中科院三区,IF=2.157)
14、Shouqing Lu, Yuanping Cheng*, Wei Li. Model development and analysis of the evolution of coal permeability under different boundary conditions[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 31: 129-138. (SCI检索,中科院三区,IF=2.718)
15、Shouqing Lu, Yuanping Cheng*, Jinmin Ma, et al. Application of in-seam directional drilling technology for gas drainage with benefits to gas outburst control and greenhouse gas reductions in Daning Coal Mine, China[J].Natural Hazards, 2014, 73(3): 1419-1437.(SCI检索,中科院四区,IF=1.719)
16、Shouqing Lu, Yuanping Cheng*, Wei Li, et al. Pore structure and its impact on CH4 adsorption capability and diffusion characteristics of normal and deformed coals from Qinshui Basin[J]. International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal Technology, 2015, 10(1): 94-114.(SCI检索,中科院四区,IF=0.464)
17、卢守青,刘永富,孙建中, 等.初始应力状态及路径对含瓦斯软硬组合煤体[J].中国矿业大学学报,2024,53(4):751-762. (EI检索)
18、李磊,卢守青*,褚廷湘,等. 承压破碎煤体应变和孔渗演化机制与模型研究[J]. 煤田地质与勘探,2024,52(5):37−45. (EI检索)
19、秦玉金,苏伟伟,卢守青*,等.基于非稳态扩散的复合煤体能量失稳致灾研究[J].煤炭科学技术, 2024,52(7):1-13. (EI检索)
20、卢守青*,张永亮,撒占友,等.软硬组合煤体塑性破坏与突出能量失稳判据[J].采矿与安全工程学报, 2019, 36(3): 583-592.(EI检索)
21、Yongliang Zhang,Shouqing Lu*.Geo-Temperature Forecast Method of Typical Metal Mine [J].Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,2016, (25):9893-9902.(EI检索)
22、Shouqing Lu*, Yuanping Cheng, Liming Qin, et al. Gas desorption characteristics of the high-rank intact coal and fractured coal[J]. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,2015, 25(5): 819-825.(EI检索)
23、卢守青*,程远平,王海锋,等.红菱煤矿上保护层最小开采厚度的数值模拟[J].煤炭学报, 2012, 37(S1): 43-47.(EI检索)
24、刘艺,卢守青*,赵康,等. 基于CiteSpace的煤与瓦斯突出预测指标研究进展分析[J].煤矿安全, 2025,已录用 .(中文核心)
25、卢守青*,李铭杰,司书芳,等. 基于能量理论的含瓦斯煤体突出失稳倾向分析[J].煤矿安全, 2022, 53(10):105-111.(中文核心)
26、李铭杰,卢守青*,司书芳,等. 粒径损伤对原生煤和构造煤孔隙结构与分形特征的影响[J].中国安全生产科学技术, 2022, 18(7):88-94.(中文核心)
27、王成凤,卢守青*,司书芳,等.磁化作用对水性质的影响规律及喷雾除尘性能优化研究[J].中国安全生产科学技术, 2022, 18(4):141-146.(中文核心)
28、卢守青*,撒占友,张永亮,等.高阶原生煤和构造煤等量吸附热分析[J].煤矿安全, 2019, 50(4):169-172.(中文核心)
29、卢守青*,王亮,秦立明.不同变质程度煤的吸附能力与吸附热力学特征分析[J].煤炭科学技术, 2014, 42(6): 130-135.(中文核心)