1、Hao Wang, Chuangye Xin, Shouqing Lu, et al. Analysis on the dust prevention mechanism of air curtain in fully mechanized excavation tunnel [J]. International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 2025,12: Article 6. (SCI检索,一区)
2、Hao Wang, Weimin Cheng, Zhanyou Sa, et al. Experimental study of the effects of air volume ratios on the air curtain dust cleaning in fully mechanized working face[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 293: Article 126109. (SCI检索,一区)
3、Hao Wang, Zhanyou Sa, Weimin Cheng, et al. Effects of forced-air volume and suction region on the migration and dust suppression of air curtain during fully mechanized tunneling process [J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 145: 222-235. (SCI检索,二区)
4、Hao Wang, Wen Nie, Weimin Cheng, et al. Effects of air volume ratio parameters on air curtain dust suppression in a rock tunnel's fully-mechanized working face[J]. Advanced Powder Technology, 2018, 29: 230-244. (SCI检索,二区)
5、Hao Wang, Weimin Cheng, Biao Sun, et al. The impacts of the axial-to-radial airflow quantity ratio and suction distance on air-curtain dust control in a fully mechanized coal face[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25 (8): 7808-7822. (SCI检索,二区)
6、Hao Wang, Weimin Cheng, Biao Sun, et al. Effects of radial air flow quantity and location of an air curtain generator on dust pollution control at fully mechanized working face[J]. Advanced Powder Technology, 2017, 28: 1780-1791. (SCI检索,二区)
7、王昊,程卫民,孙彪,等. 附壁风筒径向流量比及抽尘距离对综掘工作面隔尘风幕的影响[J]. 化工进展,2017,36(10):3610-3618.(EI正刊检索)
8、程卫民,王昊*,孙彪,等. 综掘面径向分风与压风配比对风幕阻尘的影响[J]. 中国矿业大学学报,2017,46(5):1014-1023. (EI正刊检索)
9、程卫民,王昊*,聂文,等. 压抽比及风幕发生器位置对机掘工作面阻尘效果的影响[J]. 煤炭学报,2016,41(8):1976-1983. (EI正刊检索)
10、王昊,辛创业,刘建,等. 综掘截割区域对尘-雾颗粒群逸散的影响规律研究[J]. 中国安全生产科学技术,2023,09:待刊.(中文核心,CSCD)
11、王昊,陶金旭,撒占友,等. 综掘工作面抽尘区域对旋流风幕控尘的影响[J]. 煤矿安全,2023,54(01):1-8.(中文核心)
12、王昊,撒占友,王春源,等. 综掘工作面通风条件对径向旋流风幕阻尘效果的影响[J]. 煤矿安全,2022,53(03):186-192.(中文核心)
13、王昊,张永亮,撒占友,等. 综掘工作面压抽风量比对多径向涡旋气幕阻尘效果的影响[J]. 矿业安全与环保,2022,49(02):117-121+126.(中文核心)