1.Qian Zhang, Wenchun Jiang, Yanting Zhang, Jianlin Liu, Yun Luo. Flexural fatigue damage and life prediction of rod-shaped pultruded fibre-reinforced composite: Progressive damage model and acoustic emission measurement. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2024, 109998.
2. Qian Zhang, Kai Xie, Yun Luo, Yu-Cai Zhang, Wen-Chun Jiang. Mismatch effect of material creep strength on creep damage and failure probability of planar solid oxide fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47(4): 2673-2684.
3. Qian Zhang, Wenchun Jiang, Yanting Zhang, Yun Luo, Shan-Tung Tu. Effective elastic constants of wire mesh material studied by theoretical and finite element methods. Composite Structures, 2018, 184: 474-483.
4. Qian Zhang, Wenchun Jiang, Bing Zhao, Yun Luo, Shan-Tung Tu. A study of the effective elastic modulus of a lattice truss panel structure by experimental and theoretical analysis. Composite Structures, 2017, 165: 130-137.
5. Qian Zhang, Baozhu Zhang, Yun Luo, Gang Yang, Hong-Xiang Zheng. Effect of the welding process on microstructure, microhardness, and residual stresses of capacitor discharge stud welded joint. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 2022, 144: 011007-1.
6. Qian Zhang, Yun Luo, Yanting Zhang. A study of effective elastic constants of glass-fibre reinforced thermoplastic pipes by theoretical method and simulation. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2019, 172: 100-106.
7. Qian Zhang, Wenwang Wu, Jianlin Liu. Local strengthening design and compressive behavior study of the triangular honeycomb structure. Metals, 2022, 12: 1779.
8. Qian Zhang, Wenchun Jiang, Yanting Zhang, Shan‑Tung Tu. Compression, shear and bending performance of X‑type lattice truss panel structure by theoretical method and simulation. International Journal of Steel Structures, 2020, 20(1): 259-271.
9. Qian Zhang, Wenchun Jiang, Yanting Zhang. Effect of geometrical parameters on the effective elastic modulus for an X-type lattice truss panel structure. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2018, 25(6): 1135-1144.
10. Qian Zhang, Jianlin Liu, Wenchun Jiang. Tensile fatigue behavior and life distribution model of the pultruded fibre-reinforced composites. Polymers & Polymer Composites, 2022, 30: 1-11.
11. Qian Zhang, Weige Meng, Yun Luo. Hardening Behavior and Model of a 316L Sheet Considering Macro and Micro Size Effects. Metals, 2023, 13, 1926.
12. Qian Zhang, Wenchun Jiang, Jiupeng Yan, Jiangkun Bai, Hui Fan, Bingying Wang. Influence of composite material laying parameters on the load-carrying capacity of type IV hydrogen storage vessel. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials 2024; 31: 20240046.