1. Ju L, Wang S, Yan B, Sun S. A pore-scale lattice Boltzmann model for solute transport coupled with
heterogeneous surface reactions and mineral dissolution [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 498(15): 155191), 中科院一区、中国科协T1期刊)
2. Ju L, Liu P, Yan B, Bao J, Sun S, Guo Z. A well-balanced lattice Boltzmann model for binary fluids
based on the incompressible phase-filed theory [J]. Communications in Computational Physics, 2024,Accepted.(中科院一区、中国科协 T1 期刊)
3. Ju L, Guo Z, Yan B, Sun S. Implementation of contact line motion based on the phase-field lattice
Boltzmann method [J]. Physical Review E. 2024, 109, 045307 (中国科协T2期刊)
4. Ju L, Guo Z. Multiscale study of the coupling effects of H2S impurity and dissolution reactions on
convective mixing in CO2 geological storage. Energy. 2023, 281,128261. (中科院一区,中国科
协 T1 期刊)
5. Ju L, Shan B, Wang S. Pore-scale study on miscible thermal displacing process in porous media
using lattice Boltzmann method. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35, 023109. (中科院一区、中国科协
T2 期刊)
6. Ju L, Shan B, Guo Z. Pore-scale study of convective mixing process in brine sequestration of
impure CO2[J]. Physical Review Fluids, 2022, 7:114501. (中科院二区)
7. Ju L, Shan B, Liu P, Guo Z. Pore-scale study of miscible density-driven mixing flow in porous
media [J]. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(3):034113. (中科院一区,中国科协 T2 期刊)
8. Ju L, Shan B, Yang Z, Guo Z. An exact non-equilibrium extrapolation scheme for pressure and
velocity boundary conditions with large gradients in the lattice Boltzmann method[J]. Computers &
Fluids, 2021, 231:105163. (中国科协 T2 期刊)
9. Ju L, Zhang C, Guo Z. Local reactive boundary scheme for irregular geometries in lattice
Boltzmann method [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 150:119314. (中
科院一区、中国科协 T1 期刊)
Wang S, Qian H, Xie K, Ju L*. Multi-objective topology optimization of thermoelastic structures
based on points density using Element-free Galerkin Method [J]. Engineering Structures, 2025, 326(1):119515, (通讯作者,中科院一区、中国科协T1期刊)
11. Wang S, Qian H, Ju L*. Topology optimization for minimizing the mean compliance under
thermo-mechanical loads using Element-free Galerkin Method. [J]. Applied mathematical
modelling, 2024, 136: 115630(通讯作者,中科院一区、中国数学会 T2 期刊)
12. Li Z, Hou G, Ju L*, He M, Sun S. An analytical model for saturated nonuniform laminar flow
through rough fractures [J]. Physics of Fluid, (通讯作者,中科院一区、中国科协 T2 期刊)