1、 Qinglun Che*, Ga Zhang, Ligang Zhang, et. al, Switching Brake Materials To Extremely Wear-Resistant SelfLubrication Materials via Tuning Interface Nanostructures, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2018(IF=8.59, Top, Q1, SCI)
2、 Qinglun Che*, Hao Li, Ligang Zhang, et. al, Role of Carbon Nanotubes on Growth of a Nanostructured Doubledeck Tribofilm Yielding Excellent Self-Lubrication Performance, Carbon, 2019, (IF=7.5, Top, Q1, SCI)
3、 G Liu, L Zhang, G Li, F Zhao, Q Che, C Wang, G Zhang, Tuning the tribofilm nanostructures of polymer-on-metal joint replacements for simultaneously enhancing anti-wear performance and corrosion resistance, Acta biomaterialia, 2019(IF=6.8, Top, Q1, SCI)
4、 L Zhang, G Li, Y Guo, H Qi, Q Che, G Zhang, PEEK reinforced with low-loading 2D graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets: High wear resistance under harsh lubrication conditions, Composites Part A, 2018(IF=6.9, Top, Q1, SCI)
5、 Q. L. Che, J. J. Zhang, X. K. Chen, et. al, Spark plasma sintering of titanium-coated diamond and copper-titanium powder to enhance thermal conductivity of diamond/copper composites. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2015, (IF=2.8, Q2, SCI)
6、 Q. L. Che, J. J. Zhang, X. K. Chen, et. al, The influence of minor titanium addition on thermal properties of diamond/copper composites via in situ reactive sintering. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2015, (IF=2.8, Q2, SCI)
7、 C. Dang, Q. L. Che, B.L. Gao, et. al, Growth, photoluminescence and thermal conductance of graphene-like nanoflakes grown on copper foils in methane environment. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2015, (IF=2.8, Q2, SCI)
8、 Yanwu Li, Xuekang Chen, Xiaohang Bai, Qinglun Che, Yajuan Li, A modified numerical method for the accurate calculation of molecular flow transmission probabilities and density distributions of cylindrical tubes, Vacuum, 2013, (IF=2.4, Q2, SCI)
9、Ningbo Liu, Qinglun Che*, Yi Li, Litian Hu, Jianjun Zhang*, Songwei Zhang,Effect of hydroxyl functionalized ionic liquid additives on rheological and tribological properties of titanium complex grease, Tribology International, 2024, 193: 109416. (IF=6.5, Q2, SCI)
10、阮俊飞, 裴先强, 车清论, 张建军. PEI-PEEK复合材料的熔融沉积制备及其摩擦磨损性能, 润滑与密封, 网络首发日期: 2024-02-08. (中文核心)
11、刘宁波, 李毅, 车清论, 胡丽天, 张建军*, 张松伟*. 不同有机酸配比对复合钛基润滑脂性能的影响规律, 摩擦学报, 2024, 44(10). (EI)
12、王壮, 喻萍, 刘根, 车清论, 张嘎*, 郑少梅. 碳纤维和氟化钙协同提高PTFE摩擦学性能研究, 摩擦学学报, 2023, 43(06). (EI)
13、Chen Wang, Jianjun Zhang, Qinglun Che*, Shusheng Xu*. Effect of Substrate Roughness and Contact Scale on the Tribological Performance of MoS2 Coatings, Lubricants, 2023, 11(5): 191. (中科院2区)
14、Haocheng Wang, Qinglun Che*, Jianjun Zhang, Songwei Zhang*. Outstanding lubrication properties of carbon dot-based ionic liquids,Journal of molecular liquids, 2023, 376: 121458. (中科院1区)
15、Zuomin Wang, Jianjun Zhang, Qinglun Che, Experimental investigation on the effect of velocity anisotropy on oil film state under different surface wettability interface, Lubricants, 2023, 11: 381. (中科院2区)
16、Haocheng Wang, Yi Li, Songwei Zhang*, Qinglun Che*, Litian Hu, Jianjun Zhang. Excellent corrosion inhibition and lubrication properties of carbon dot-based ionic liquids as water-based additives, Tribology International, 2023, 189: 108990. (中科院1区)
17、王壮, 张建军, 梁森, 郭峰, 郑少梅, 车清论*. 石墨烯量子点/纳米Al2O3协同生长润滑转移膜机制, 中国表面工程, 2021, 34(5): 17-24. (EI)