1、房玉宝,张西龙. Cu-H2O和Al2O3纳米流体稳定性及影响因素研究,化工进展,2025.(通讯作者,A类)
2、Xilong Zhang, Wenlin Dong*, Jiang Liu, Peng Cang, Bin Liu, Chao Zhang*, The influence of pin fin structure on the flow and heat transfer characteristics of the manifold microchannel heat sink, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2025, 261, Part B, 125119.
3、Xilong Zhang, Jiang Liu*, Bin Liu, Peng Cang, Zhicheng Zhou. Heat transfer enhancement and flow resistance reduction characteristics of non-uniform electrohydrodynamic conduction pumping in microchannels, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2025, 258, Part B, 124721.
4、Xilong Zhang, Yongliang Zhang*, ChunTao Yang, Jiang Liu, Bin Liu, ZhiCheng Zhou, Study of flow and heat transfer performance of nanofluids in curved microchannels with different curvatures, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2024.
6、张西龙,房玉宝,李俊皓,侯硕. 微细尺度下的换热面传热增效、流动减阻特性研究,中国科技成果,2024.
7、张西龙,尹浩,柳江. 新旧动力源融合下新能源汽车工程本科专业课程体系研究,教育科学[J]. 2024.
8、Wenlin Dong, Xilong Zhang*, Bilong Liu, Bin Wang, Yubao Fang, Research progress on passive enhanced heat transfer technology in microchannel heat sink, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 220 (2024) 125001.(通讯作者)
9、 Peng Cang, Xilong Zhang, WanXin Cui, Static and modal models of automotive wheel hubs based on lightweight design and cost-effectiveness, Applied Sciences, 2023, 13(18): 10164. (通讯作者)
10、张西龙,侯硕,张永亮,董文林,房玉宝. 基于表面及迎风面改性的锯齿翅片强化传热研究,制冷学报,2023年.
11、Xilong Zhang, Junhao Li, Yongliang Zhang, Heat transfer characteristics of nanofluid under the action of magnetic field based on molecular dynamics and flow states, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2023.
12、Xilong Zhang, Bilong Liu, Min Li. Heat transfer and flow resistance performance of non-uniform distributed serrated fins, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2023.
13、Xilong Zhang, Junhao Li. A review of uncertainties in the study of heat transfer properties of nanofluids, Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022.
14、Xilong Zhang, Yongliang Zhang. Experimental study on enhanced heat transfer and flow performance of magnetic nanofluids under alternating magnetic field, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 164: 106897. ( ESI 热点、高被引)
15、Xilong Zhang, Yongliang Zhang. Heat transfer and flow characteristics of Fe3O4-water nanofluids under magnetic excitation, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 163: 106826. (ESI 热点、高被引)
16、Xilong Zhang, Yongliang Zhang, Chenggang Lu. Flow and Noise Characteristics of Centrifugal Fan in Low Pressure Environment, Processes, 2020, 8(8): 985.
17、Xilong Zhang, Bilong Liu, Jiang Liu, Xingang Wang, Hongbo Zhang. Experimental and numerical analysis of heat transfer and flow characteristic in parabolic ducts, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 147: 118912.
18、Xilong Zhang, Yongliang Zhang, Zunmin Liu, Jiang Liu. Analysis of heat transfer and flow characteristics in typical cambered ducts, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2020, 150: 106226. ( ESI 热点、高被引)
19、Xilong Zhang, Min Li, Yongliang Zhang, Fengyuan Wang, Kelin Wu. Experimental and numerical investigation of thermal energy management with reciprocating cooling and heating systems for Li-ion battery pack, Journal of Energy Engineering, 2018, 144(4): 04018039.
20、Xilong Zhang, Yichun Wang, Min Li, Sidong Wang, Xiaolong Li. Improved flow and heat transfer characteristics for heat exchanger by using a new humped wavy fin, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 124: 510-520.
21、Xilong Zhang, Yichun Wang, Runze Jia, Rui Wan. Investigation on heat transfer and flow characteristics of heat exchangers with different trapezoidal ducts, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 110: 863-872.
22、Xilong Zhang, Yichun Wang, Danwei Zhao, Jin Guo. Improved thermal performance of heat exchanger with TiO2 nanoparticles coated on the surfaces, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 112: 1153-1162.
23、张西龙, 王义春, 郭进, 王思东. 梯形流道传热面流动及传热特性研究[J],华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 45(6): 63-67.
24、Xilong Zhang, Yichun Wang, Peng Cang, Rui Wang. Experimental investigation of thermal hydraulic performance of heat exchangers with different Reynolds numbers on both air-side and water-side, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 99: 1331-139.
25、Xilong Zhang, Yichun Wang, Zhiyi Yu, Danwei Zhao. Numerical analysis of thermal-hydraulic characteristics on serrated fins with different attack angles and wavelength to fin length ratio, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 91: 126-137.