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 王优强    教授    博士生导师  
最高学历:  博士研究生  
从事专业:  摩擦学与表面工程  
联系电话:  18660279607  
电子信箱:  wyq1970301@126.com  
工作单位:  青岛理工大学机械与汽车工程学院  
通信地址:  青岛经济技术开发区嘉陵江东路777号  
1988.9-1992.7  青岛理工大学   冶金机械专业   工学学士
1992.9-1995.3  东北大学          机械学专业      工学硕士
1996.9-1999.6  北京石油大学   机械工程专业   工学博士
1995.4-1996.7    青岛理工大学机械与汽车工程学院,  教师、助教
1999.9-2000.7    青岛理工大学机械与汽车工程学院,  教师/教研室主任、讲师
2001.9-2003.7    天津大学机械工程学院,                   博士后、副教授
2003.9-2005.11  中国石化胜利油田采油院,                博士后、教授
2005.12-至今        青岛理工大学机械与汽车工程学院, 教师/副院长、教授

2022年3月-至今   山东省专业学位研究生教育指导委员会委员
2021年9月-至今  《摩擦学学报》编委
2020年9月-至今  《轴承》编委
2023年9月-至今  《机械传动》编委
2.中央军委科技委军工保密项目: “XX环境下XX齿轮XXXX表面XXX润滑调控方案与机理研究”,2019.10~2022.10,200万元,第1位。
9.山东省重点研发计划项目(2019GHY112068):“基于仿生硅藻典型壳壁结构的减振降噪水润滑复合橡胶轴承关键技术研究”, 2019.01~2021.12,20万元,第1位。
18.青岛经济技术开发区项目(2012-2-056) :“绿色润滑低噪减振复合塑胶轴承应用基础研究”,2012.01~2014.06,第1位。
1.Wei Lu*, Youqiang Wang*, Chenbing Ni*,Chengguo Zong, Longxiang Liu and Baoguo Zhang.Surface characteristics and crystallographic texture evolution of aviation aluminum alloy in high-speed machining based on visco-plastic self-consistent model. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 2025,1-21.DOI: 10.1142/S0219686725500234
2.Dejian Liu, Chenbing Ni*, Youqiang Wang*, Lida Zhu, Zhongpeng Zheng,Wei Lu, Naixin Zhang, Xingbao Huang,Cutting force modeling in high-speed machining of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V alloys based on a modified constitutive model considering thermally activated effect. 2025, 68(3):1320202:1–1320202:18.DOI:10.1007/s11431-024-2840-4
3.Yibing Ren ,  Youqiang Wang*, Xuezhao Wang , Ying Xu. Effects of aging processes on the dynamic impact mechanical behavior of Mg-Gd system alloys. Metals. 2024, 14(10):1102. DOI:10.3390/met14101102.
4.Ying Xu, Kai An*, Youqiang Wang*, Yi Sui, Wei Tong , Haixian Liu , Yongquan Qing. Designing robust Ni-P/CeO2 superhydrophobic composite coating for synergistically enhanced corrosion protection and friction reduction performance. American Chemical Society.2024,40(32):16771-16782. DOI:10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c01133.
5.Haoran Guo , Youqiang Wang*, Haiyang Zhang , Kai An*.  Recent advances and strategies in mechanical stability of superhydrophobic surfaces. Progress in Organic Coatings. 2024, 194(9):108595. DOI:10.1016/j.porgcoat.2024.108595
6.Xue-zhao Wang, You-qiang Wang*, Chen-bing Ni, Yu-xin Fang, Xiao Yu,Ping Zhang. The effect of T4 and T6 heat treatments for dynamic impact behavior of casting Mg-Gd-based alloys[J].Vacuum 205,2022,111450.
7.Yu Xiao,Wang Youqiang*,Zhang Ping,Zhai Yanchun,Li Liying. Surface integrity and wear evolution of high strength aluminum alloy after high-speed oblique cutting[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2022,236(5).
8.Zheng Yi,Wang Youqiang*,Liu Jixin. Research on structure optimization and motion characteristics of wearable medical robotics based on Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems,2021.
9.Yu Xiao, Wang Youqiang*, Zhang Ping, Wang Xuezhao, Yue Xiujie. Surface integrity of high strength aviation aluminum alloy in CURP treatment[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022:1-12.
10.Fang Yuxin, Wang Youqiang*, Zhang Ping, Luo Heng. Research on chip formation mechanism and surface morphology of particle-reinforced metal matrix composites[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,
11.Zhang Ping*, Zhang Qiang, Fang Yuxin, Yue Xiujie, Yu Xiao, Wang Youqiang. Research on the mechanism of surface damage of Ni-based high-temperature alloy GH4169 based on nano-cutting[J]. Vacuum,2021,:110439-.
12.Zheng Yi,Wang Youqiang*,Liu Jixin. Analysis and experimental research on stability characteristics of squatting posture of wearable lower limb exoskeleton robot[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems,2021,125.
13.Jian Guang xiao,Wang You qiang*,Zhang Ping,Li Yun kai,Luo Heng. Analysis of lubrication performance for internal meshing gear pair considering vibration[J]. Journal of Central South University,2021,28(1).
14.Li Yunkai,Wang Youqiang*,Zhang Ping,Jian Guangxiao,Luo Heng,Yu Xiao. UHMWPE Modified by Halogenating Reagents: Study on the Improvement of Hydrophilicity and Tribological Properties[J]. Tribology Transactions,2022,65(2).
15.Zhang Ping*,Cao Xian,Zhang Xiancheng,Wang Youqiang. Effects of cutting parameters on the subsurface damage of single crystal copper during nanocutting process[J]. Vacuum,2020.
16.Yi Zheng,Youqiang Wang*,Jixin Liu,Haiyan Jiang,Qingchao Yue. Knee joint vibration signal classification algorithm based on machine learning[J]. Neural Computing and Applications,2020,33(3).
17.Jing-jing Zhao, Jin-xiang Liu*, You-qiang Wang. Effect of reversing duration time and commutation meshing state on the elastohydrodynamic lubrication of reciprocating spur gear rack[J]. Lubrication Science. 2022;1–11.
18.Jing‐jing Zhao,You‐qiang Wang*,Ping Zhang,Guang‐xiao Jian. A Newtonian thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication model for ferrofluid‐lubricated involute spur gear pair[J]. Lubrication Science,2020,32(2).
19.Heng Luo, Youqiang Wang*, Ping Zhang. Simulation and experimental study of 7A09 aluminum alloy milling under double liquid quenching[J]. Journal of Central South University. 2020, 27(2): 372-380.
20.Heng Luo,Youqiang Wang*,Ping Zhang. Effect of cutting parameters on machinability of 7075-T651 aluminum alloy in different processing methods[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2020,110(7).
21.Ping Zhang,Youqiang Wang*,Xiancheng Zhang. Energy absorption and impact resistance of sandwich composite alloy structures under dynamic impact[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2020,831.
22.Huang Xingbao*,Zhang Xiao,Wang Youqiang. A theoretical investigation on the lubrication mechanism of moving particles in elliptical contact[J]. Physica Scripta,2020,95(7).
23.Guangxiao Jian,Youqiang Wang*,Ping Zhang,Yinong Xie,Jingjing Zhao. Analysis of lubricating performance for involute spur gear under vibration[J]. Lubrication Science,2020,32(7).
24.Xingbao Huang*,Bintang Yang,Youqiang Wang. Influences of transient impact and vibration on the lubrication performance of spur gears[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J Journal of Engineering Tribology,2020.
25.Heng Luo,Youqiang Wang*,Ping Zhang. Effect of cutting and vibration parameters on the cutting performance of 7075-T651 aluminum alloy by ultrasonic vibration[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2020,107(17).
26.Xingbao Huang*,Bintang Yang,Youqiang Wang,Changjiang Zhou. Influences of impulse excitation and vibration on thermoelastohydrodynamic characteristics of spur gear drive[J]. Lubrication Science,2020,32(6).
27.Zhang Ping*,Wang Youqiang,Wang Qing,Yu Xiao. Dislocation damage and adiabatic shear mechanisms of 7055 aluminum alloy during cutting process[J]. International Journal of Damage Mechanics,2020,29(8).
28.Ping Zhang, Youqiang Wang*, Xiancheng Zhang. Energy absorption and impact resistance of sandwich composite alloy structures under dynamic impact[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2020,Aug: 831.
29.Ping Zhang*,Youqiang Wang,Xiao Yu,Heng Luo. The mechanical behaviors and energy absorption mechanisms of Al–Cu–Mn alloy under dynamic penetration at wide temperature ranges and large angles[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2020,815(C).
30.Xingbao Huang*,Bintang Yang,Youqiang Wang. A nano-lubrication solution for high-speed heavy-loaded spur gears and stiffness modelling[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling,2019,72.
31.Ping Zhang,Youqiang Wang*,Yinong Xie,Yabo Zhou. A study on the dynamic shock performance of 7055-T6I4 aluminum alloy based on experimental and simulation[J]. Vacuum,2018,157.
32.Ping Zhang,Youqiang Wang*,Heng Luo,Shenwen Long,Cong Wei. Research on the Large Plastic Deformation Damage and Shock Resistance of 7055 Aluminum Alloy[J]. JOM,2019,71(7).
33.Ping Zhang,Youqiang Wang*,Weihui Li,Qing Wang,Yuanyuan Li. A study on microstructure evolution and corrosion resistance of cutting layer metal of 7055 aluminum alloy based on extreme environment[J]. Materials and Corrosion,2018,69(10).
34.Ping Zhang,Youqiang Wang*. Effects of heat treatment on the nanoscale precipitation behavior of 7055 aluminum alloy under dynamic shock[J]. Vacuum,2018,152.
35.Ping Zhang,Youqiang Wang*. A study on chip and microstructure of 7055 aluminum alloy's 3D HSC based on FEM and experiment[J]. Vacuum,2018,152.
36.Zhang Ping,Wang Youqiang*. Effects of shear strain and annealing on the nano-precipitate phase and crystal orientation of 7055 aluminum alloy during cutting process[J]. Vacuum,2018,151.
37.Zhang Ping,Wang Youqiang*,Liu Wenhui. Finite element analysis of TC17 Ti alloy under high-speed cutting based on its friction model of deformation zone[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2018,96(1).
38.Ping Zhang,Youqiang Wang*,Wenhui Liu. The HSC machining mechanism for TC17 under multimedia mixed minimum quantity lubrication[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2018,95(1).
39.Jing-jing Zhao,You-qiang Wang*. Reliability Analysis of ABB IRB 4600-40-255 Polishing Robot with Six Degree of Freedom[P]. Proceedings of the 2018 7th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2018),2018.
40.Ping Zhang,Youqiang Wang*,Qing Wang. On the precipitation behaviour of 7055 aluminium alloy during high-speed cutting[J]. Materials Science and Technology,2018,34(13).
41.Zhang Ping, Wang YouQiang*.The Influence of Heat Treatment on Nanoscale Microstructure and Crystal Orientation of 7055 Aluminum Alloy before and after High-speed Milling[J].Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2018, (1):1-15.
42.Zhang Ping,Wang Youqiang*. Research on High Speed Machining of TC17 Titanium Alloy under Extreme Environments, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2017,(9):1101~1109.
43.Zhang Ping,Wang Youqiang*. Three-Dimensional Finite Element Simulation of High-Speed Cutting of 7055 Aluminum Alloy Based on ABAQUS[J]. International Journal of science, 2017,8(4):40~46.
44.You-Qiang Wang*, Xiu-Jiang Shi, Li-Jing Zhang. Experimental and numerical study on water lubricated rubber bearings[J].Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2014, 66(2): 282-288.
45.You Qiang Wang*, Zhi Cheng He, Wei Su. Effect of impact load on transient elastohydrodynamic lubrication of involute spur gears[J]. STLE Tribology Transactions, 2012, 55, (2):p155~162.
46.You-Qiang Wang* and Xue-Juan Yi. Non-Newtonian transient thermoelastohydrodynamic lubrication analysis of an involute spur gear[J]. Lubrication Science, 2010, Vol.22, No.10, p465-478.
47.You-Qiang Wang*, Hong-Qi Li, Jing-Wei Tong, Pei-Ran Yang. Transient thermoelastohydrodynamic lubrication analysis of an involute spur gear[J]. Tribology International, 2004,Vol.37, No.10, p773~782.
48.You-Qiang Wang*, Wen-Li Sun. Experimental study on the lubrication behaviors of seawater-lubricated thordon bearings, Key Engineering Materials[J]. 2012, Vol.500, p.297-300.
49.王优强*,徐莹,莫君,何彦,赵涛,倪陈兵.磁场作用下水基磁流体对TC4与Si3N4摩擦学性能影响的实验研究[J].机械工程学报, 2024,60(07): 174-183.

(1) 王优强; 栗心明; 董亮; 张晓亮; 丁含月; 杨兴龙; 靳宗凯 ; 草莓成熟度识别及采摘分捡机, 2023-09-08, 中国, CN201810293952.5
(2) 王优强; 王建; 范晓梦; 王涛 ; 一种能够提高承载力的船舶艉轴承, 2018-5-15, 中国, ZL201610192933.4
(3) 王优强; 黄兴保; 刘前; 董宁 ; 带有磁性镍基合金涂层齿轮, 2017-2-22, 中国, CN201410842156.4
(4) 于晓; 王优强; 张平; 郑义; 宗成国 ; 一种能实现恒压力自平衡的轴类零件表面强化装置及机床, 2020-11-27, 中国, CN202011357647.1
(5)郑义; 王优强; 王雪兆; 莫君; 何彦;基于大数据控制的下肢康复机器人力平衡调节装置,2022-4-29, 中国, CN202111638552.1
(6)王雪兆; 王优强; 唐昌平; 倪陈兵; 房玉鑫; 于晓;一种抗冲击的高强耐热镁稀土合金材料,2021-10-22, 中国, CN202110779348.5
(7)倪陈兵; 刘德建; 王优强; 林飞; 王雪兆; 芦伟; 张乃鑫;一种激光选区熔化Ti6Al4V铣削力预测方法,2024-5-6, 中国, CN202410549126.8
(8)安恺; 王优强; 徐莹; 倪陈兵; 郑义; 郭浩冉;一种稳定的含铈超疏水耐蚀减摩涂层及其制备方法,2023-11-3, 中国,CN202311451387.8
(9)李维华; 焦伟; 王优强;一种自走式生姜联合收获机,2022-2-24, 中国,CN202210174596.1
(10)王雪兆; 王优强; 唐昌平; 倪陈兵; 房玉鑫; 于晓;一种抗冲击的高强耐热镁稀土合金材料, 2022-2-11, 中国,CN202110779348.5
(11)李云凯; 王优强; 罗恒; 菅光霄; 于晓,具有功能梯度仿生织构的轴瓦及制备方法、和水润滑轴承,2020-5-22, 中国, CN202010442329.9
(12)谢奕浓; 王优强; 李云凯; 罗恒; 于晓;基于霍普金森压杆加载技术的多工位高速切削试验装置,2019-6-21, 中国, ZL201920943031.9
(13)赵晶晶; 王优强; 菅光霄; 于晓; 李云恺; 宋晓萍; 罗恒;一种垂直轴风力发电机,2019-8-26, 中国, ZL201921388313.3
(14)刘新福; 王优强; 张平; 周超; 石云; 何鸿铭;海洋深水油气管道轴推式液压驱动快速接头装置,2019-5-15, 中国, ZL201910404117.9
(15)莫君; 王优强; 菅光霄; 胡宇; 左名玉; 房玉鑫;一种带磁性表面织构的磁流体润滑齿轮,2020-1-21, 中国, ZL202020135175.4
(16)左名玉; 王优强; 菅光霄; 胡宇; 房玉鑫; 莫君;一种新型的金属骨架聚合物齿轮,2020-1-20, 中国, ZL202020130027.3
(17)胡宇; 王优强; 菅光霄; 房玉鑫; 莫君; 左名玉;一种垂直风力发电机的风叶调节装置,2020-1-20, 中国, ZL202020130041.3
(18)赵辉; 王优强;一种带有仿生复合表面织构面板,2019-12-4, 中国, ZL201922147175.6


Tel: 18660279607,13626398852
Email: wyq1970301@126.com
QQ: 583884957