[1] Lingyi Sun, Yanbin Zhang*, Shuaiqiang Xu, et al. Modelling and heat transfer mechanism of coated tool temperature field in sustainable turning based on the finite difference method. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2025, 267: 125803. (JCR1区)
[2] Lingyi Sun, Yanbin Zhang*, Xin Cui, et al. Magnetic lubricants: preparation, physical mechanism, and application. Friction, 2025, DOI: https://doi.org/10.26599/FRICT.2025.9441010 (JCR1区)
[3] Yanbin Zhang, Liuyang Li, Xin Cui, et al. Lubricant activity enhanced technologies for sustainable machining: Mechanisms and processability. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2025, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cja.2024.08.034 (JCR1区)
[4] Peng Gong, Yanbin Zhang*, Xin Cui, et al. Lubricant transportation mechanism and wear resistance of different arrangement textured turning tools. Tribology International, 2024, 196:109704. (JCR1区)
[5] Yanbin Zhang, Peng Gong, Lizhi Tang, et al. Topography Modeling of Surface Grinding Based on Random Abrasives and Performance Evaluation. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2024, 37: 93. (JCR1区)
[6] Yulong Wang, Yanbin Zhang*, Xin Cui, et al. High‑speed grinding: from mechanism to machine tool, 2025, 13: 105–154. (JCR2区)
[7] Peng Gong, Yanbin Zhang*, Chunjin Wang, et al. Residual stress generation in grinding: Mechanism and modeling, Journal of Materials Processing Tech, 2024, 324:118262. (JCR2区)
[8] Liuyang Li, Yanbin Zhang*, Xin Cui, et al. Mechanical behavior and modeling of grinding force: A comparative analysis, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2023,102C:921-954. (JCR1区)
[9] Zhang Fan, Zhang Yanbin, Chi Fai Cheung*, et al. A low temperature nano-lubrication method for enhancing machinability in ultra-precision grinding of binderless tungsten carbide (WC), CIRP Annals, 2023, 72:273-276. (JCR2区)
[10] Wenhao Xu, Changhe Li*, Yanbin Zhang*, et al. Electrostatic atomization minimum quantity lubrication machining: from mechanism to application. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 2022, 4(4):43. (JCR1区)
[11] Yanbin Zhang, Hao Nan Li, Changhe Li*, et al. Nano-enhanced biolubricant in sustainable manufacturing: From processability to mechanisms. 2022, Friction, 10, 803–841. (JCR1区,期刊封面论文,ESI热点论文)
[12] Lizhi Tang, Yanbin Zhang, Changhe Li*, et al. Biological stability of water-based cutting fluids: progress and application[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 35: 1-24. (JCR1区,ESI高被引论文)
[13] 徐帅强, 张彦彬, 周宗明, 等. 汽车轮毂洁净制造自动化生产线设计. 制造技术与机床, 2022.
[14] 张彦彬, 李长河, 贾东洲,等. MoS2/CNTs混合纳米流体微量润滑磨削加工表面质量试验评价. 机械工程学报, 2018(1). 161-170 (《机械工程学报》优秀论文奖)
[15] Zhang Yanbin, Li Changhe, Ji Heju, et al. Analysis of grinding mechanics and improved predictive force model based on material-removal and plastic-stacking mechanisms. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 2017, 122: 81-97. (JCR 1区, ESI热点论文)
[16] Zhang Yanbin, Li Changhe, Jia Dongzhou, et al. Experimental evaluation of the lubrication performance of MoS2 /CNT nanofluid for minimal quantity lubrication in Ni-based alloy grinding. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 2015, 99:19-33. (JCR 1区, ESI高被引论文)
[17] Zhang Yanbin, Li Changhe, Jia Dongzhou, et al. Experimental evaluation of MoS2 nanoparticles in jet MQL grinding with different types of vegetable oil as base oil.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 87(1):930-940. (JCR 1区, ESI高被引论文)
[18] Zhang Yanbin, Li Changhe, Yang Min, et al. Experimental evaluation of cooling performance by friction coefficient and specific friction energy in nanofluid minimum quantity lubrication grinding with different types of vegetable oil. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 139:685-705. (JCR 1区)
[19] Zhang Yanbin, Li Changhe, Jia Dongzhou, et al. Experimental study on the effect of nanoparticle concentration on the lubricating property of nanofluids for MQL grinding of Ni-based alloy. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2016, 232:100-115. (JCR 1区, ESI 前3%)
[20] Zhang Yanbin, Li Changhe, Zhang Qiang, et al. Improvement of useful flow rate of grinding fluid with simulation schemes. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 84(9-12):2113-2126. (JCR 2区)