1. Comprehensive evaluation model of the urban low-carbon passenger transportation structure based on DPSIR. Ecological Indicators.
2.Temperature Rise Characteristics of Single Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering.
3. Multi-objective cold chain logistic distribution center location based on carbon emission. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
4. Energy Management Strategy for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles Based on Soc Planning. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering.
5. Carbon Emission Measurement of Urban Green Passenger Transport: A Case study of Qingdao. Sustainability.
6. Numerical and Experimental Investigation on SOOT Emissions of Diesel Engine. Quarterly Journal of Technical Association.
7. Computational Investigation of Ethanol and Bi-fuel Applied in GDI Engine. IEEE ICISCE
8. Low Carbon Travel Intention of Urban Residents Considering the Influence of Travel Time Perception. SGSES. 2023. (Asia Conference on Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy Systems)
9. Investigation on transient combustion and pm emissions of diesel engine. UPB: Scientific Bulletin
10. 考虑质量流量的电池组蛇形冷却结构仿真. 储能科学与技术.
11. 基于GRU-RBFNN车速预测的A-ECMS能量管理策略. 计算机应用与软件.
12. 基于均匀设计的电池组液冷结构多目标优化. 电子测量技术.
13. 21700锂离子电池风冷结构设计与散热效果研究. 内燃机与配件.
14. 基于特征选择的时空融合交通流预测. 电子测量技术.
15. 基于社会力模型的地铁站行人流组织优化研究. 世界交通运输大会(WTC)论文集2022.